Well known and respected in the world of music, the late Pete Molenaar was a chemist and
professional luthier, who spent forty years researching the methods and achievements of
the famous Cremonese masters. Molenaar's Stradivari-Cremona MysteryDisclosed shows
how his logical and scientific approach is fully supported by historical evidence. The premise that the unique Cremona
appearance and sound are linked to several common factors, consistent with modern
scientific principles, is thoroughly developed and substantiated. Further corroboration is
provided by fourteen pages of superb quality colour reproductions of twelve of Molenaar's
instruments, showing a compelling similarity to the instruments of the Cremonese masters.
The text of this 21.5 cm by 28 cm second edition has been expanded to 89 pages, and edited
to be user-friendly. It features an excellent index which cross-references important
names, concepts and technical terms to page numbers. The wood preparation techniques, and
the making of the primer coats and varnishes most probably used by the Cremonese makers
from the early 1500s until about 1775, are fully explained. The evidence is convincing,
and most importantly the reader is shown how to make instruments that look like, and
especially sound like the famous Cremonese.
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